Seventh Sessions of "Clubul Antreprenorilor Onești" Project

  • 18.05.2023

The seventh session of the "Clubul Antreprenorilor Onești" Project provided an opportunity for its members to meet Victoria Belous, Deputy Director of the State Tax Service. The focus of the session was on tax compliance and the significance of maintaining integrity for young entrepreneurs in their interactions with the State Tax Service.

Victoria Belous shed light on the importance of adhering to tax regulations and fulfilling tax obligations as responsible business owners. She emphasized the role of integrity in maintaining a transparent and trustworthy relationship with the State Tax Service. By complying with tax requirements, entrepreneurs contribute to the overall development and stability of the economy.

"Clubul Antreprenorilor Onești" Project aims to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit based on principles of compliance, honesty, transparency, and mutual respect in the relationship with public authorities, customers, competitors, employees, investors, public entities, and entrepreneurs themselves.

*"Clubul Antreprenorului Onest" is a joint effort between the AmCham Moldova, the Center for International Private Enterprise- CIPE, FINedu, and the Ministerul Finantelor al Republicii Moldova.

Latest Clubul Antreprenorilor Onești