Committee Addresses the Government

Events, Meetings & Activities

Keeping its ear to the ground, the Tax Committee was created in 2009, remains an influential, vocal, and respected voice concerning new legislation and developments covering the tax sphere. The Tax Committee regularly reviews and comments on draft pieces of legislation and represents one of the channels of dialogue that AmCham has on behalf of its members with the Governmental institutions.

About the Committee

The Committee is conceived as a place for companies interested in taxes, financial reporting, and audit spheres, which covers many companies due to the core interest in these issues by almost any company-member.

Committee members participate in Committee events and meetings, take an active role in Committee's activity, and work on topical issues relevant and significant to businesses, thus contributing to the enhancement of business- and investment-friendly tax framework in Moldova, harmonized with the best international practices.

The Committee is open to individuals who have occupations relevant to the Committee's stated mission and whose companies are members of the AmCham. We kindly invite every interested member to join our efforts.


The mission of the Committee is to enhance the Moldovan tax regulations by acting as a lobby and advocacy group by to identifying and promoting solutions to tax issues of the business community, and to provide a forum for dialogue among sector professionals and decision-makers in Government, as well as to serve as an educational, networking and information exchange forum for the business community on tax, financial reporting, and audit. 

Committee Objectives

  • To foster a favorable business climate in Moldova by promoting reform and improvement of tax framework based on best international practices.
  • To access the legislative drafting process at an early stage and leverage the opportunity to incorporate private sector feedback into key drafts. Show a proactive approach in drafting and advising on the implementation of normative acts. Present the private sector support and view on rules and procedures and recommendations and examples of best international practices to relevant counterpart organizations.
  • Raise awareness of membership on different tax issues and bring a greater understanding of the Moldovan tax framework.
  • To represent the voice of the private sector in the dialogue with policymakers on tax issues.
  • To address tax issues of a group of members rather than on an individual basis.

Plan of Activities

1. Closely collaborate with AmCham Legal CommitteeDigital Transformation Committee, and Financial Services Committee, thus covering as much as possible different aspects of taxes.
2. Closely collaborate with professional organizations such as ACAP to strengthen the business community's voice in front of public authorities.
3. Establish constructive dialogue with the Ministry of Finance, the State Tax Service, the Public Audit Supervisory Board, and become a reliable partner for these authorities.
4. Review and comment on draft legislation and address the Government to raise awareness regarding the proposed or existing legislation framework with sometimes adverse effects relevant to business community topics from taxes, financial reporting, and audit.
5. Collaborate with AmCham Board of Directors on AmCham's projects aimed to improve the investment climate, as well as with other organizations.
6. Provide a platform for networking and exchange of best practices.

Committee Communication

Tax Committee will meet on the premises of member companies on a rotating basis or at AmCham for committee meetings, roundtable discussions on various issues that affect the industry. The Committee may also envisage inviting outside speakers, if appropriate.

The committee coordinator will regularly inform members of Committee activity and contribute to AmCham Weekly Bulletins, Business Reviews, Annual reports, Web site, etc.

The Committee, as a part of AmCham

The Committee is a part of AmCham and therefore shares AmCham's mission and its values.

In that spirit, no Committee member, including Co-Chairs, shall express personal views on behalf of the Committee and therefore the AmCham, unless they represent an official and approved position by the Board of Directors.

No Committee member shall in the name of Committee or AmCham discuss issues that are not related to its mission. All activities of the Committee shall be done in direct coordination and communication with AmCham Committee Coordinator.

Want to take part in the Tax Committee? Contact committee Coordinator Mihai Burunciuc at for more information.