MIEPO finances the participation of the companies at the promotional events in 2014

  • 08.08.2013

The Organization for Investment and Export Promotion (MIEPO) launched a new series of financing the promotional activity of the companies.

This year you have the opportunity to submit proposals on promotional events (such as international exhibitions, economic missions, specialized fairs), both from Moldova or abroad, to which your company would like to participate in 2014. MIEPO will cover full or partial costs for your company’s participation. All you have to do is complete this form and send it to eugen.coretchi@miepo.md till the 22nd of August 2013.

This is a great opportunity to participate with minimal costs at relevant international exhibitions, conferences, forums, trade missions within which you can promote your company’s products!

Should you have any questions related to the activity of the Manufacturing and Export Committee, please do not hesitate to contact Ana Raileanu, Committee Coordinator, at 211-781 or anaraileanu@amcham.md.

Propuneri pentru Planul de Acţiuni al Programului ”Promovarea Exportului şi Atragerea Investiţiilor” pentru anul 2014

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