• 25.05.2021

We are glad to share with you the first information about the webinars offered by our partners - Fintech Moldova. We will share with you other initiatives our partners will have in order to keep you updated and give you the chance to participates in this.

Our friends Fintech Moldova and Bivol Soțchi & Partners come to help clarify the current legal requirements for the Fintech Industry with a series of 6 online presentations on compliance and the regulatory framework established for the Financial and Fintech sector in Moldova.

The first online event is Intro to the Regulatory Framework for Fintechs in Moldova which will take place on May 27th, at 16:00 and will make an introduction to various topics including eKYC, current Anti Money Laundering Laws, Investment Crowdunding, Open Banking, and others.

The presentation will be provided by the Managing Partners of Bivol Soțchi & Partners, both with a proven experience in the local financial and corporate law, and will include a Q&A session.

Intro to the Regulatory Framework for Fintechs in Moldova is the first out of 6 monthly online events that will provide an in-depth overview of the legal and compliance requirements for fintechs.

For more details about the events and another Fintech Moldova initiatives, please follow the page: https://fintech.md/

Even if you are not from the financial or fintech sectors, this presentation will be useful to you. Make sure you save the date in your calendars (May 27, 16:00) and the link to the ZOOM webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/86252627506

The presentation will also be broadcasted live on Fintech Moldova's Facebook Page https://facebook.com/fintech.md

Participation is free of charge and the presentation will be in Romanian.