The Parliament adopted the new state tax law

  • 20.07.2023

On July 20, Parliament adopted the new state tax law. The draft state tax law was developed in the context of implementing the Strategy on ensuring the independence and integrity of the justice sector for the years 2022-2025.

AmCham was the voice of business at the public consultations of the law and a working group member for its finalization.

At different stages of the public consultations, the association reiterated the importance of the MPs in the Parliament substantiating the proposed new state taxes based on evidence, data, and objective estimates.

At the insistence of AmCham, a series of new abusive taxes were excluded from the finalized bill, such as:

- The fee for requests to postpone court hearings;

- the fee for recusal requests;

- the fee for requests to transfer the case;

- the fee for reinstatement within the deadline;

- the fee for requests to accelerate the process;

- the fee for granting interim measures;

- the fee for requests regarding the explanation of decisions;

- the fee for requests to hear witnesses, experts, and specialists;

- the fee for appeals against court orders that do not complete a trial;

- the fee for appeals against court rulings issued at the stage of receiving the application.

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