PwC Moldova: New electronic tax service "e-Cerere"

  • 15.12.2015

Vă informăm că Inspectoratul Fiscal Principal de Stat (IFPS) a aprobat, printr-un ordin recent, instructiunile privind modul de utilizare de catre contribuabili a serviciului electronic „e-Cerere”.

Începând cu 4 decembrie 2015 contribuabilii pot utiliza ca metodă alternativă serviciul electronic „e-Cerere” pentru depunerea cererilor privind înregistrare /anulare în calitate de plătitor TVA, precum şi cererilor aferente gestionării on-line a subdiviziunilor sale.

Accesul la serviciul electonic „e-Cerere” va fi acordat la solicitarea contribuabililor în modul stabilit de Instrucţiunea privind stabilirea modului de utilizare a serviciului electronic „e-Cerere” și alte acte normative ale IFPS.

Prevederile sus-menţionate intră în vigoare la 4 decembrie 2015.

[Sursa: Ordinul IFPS nr. 1106 din 4 decembrie 2015; Monitorul Oficial nr. 332-339 (5374-5381) din 11 decembrie 2015]

Vă stăm la dispoziţie cu informaţii suplimentare privind subiectele de mai sus sau orice alte probleme de interes pentru dumneavoastră.

Cu consideraţie,
PwC Moldova

We would like to inform you that the Main State Tax Inspectorate (“MSTI”) has published an Order approving the instructions on use of the electronic service “e-Cerere”.

As of 4 December 2015, as an alternative method taxpayers may use the electronic service “e-Cerere” for filing applications for registration as a VAT payer / annulment of VAT payer status and for the online management of applications related to their subdivisions.

Access to the electronic service “e-Cerere” will be granted upon taxpayer request in line with the Instructions on use of the “e-Cerere” service and other normative acts of the MSTI.

The above provisions come into force on 4 December 2015.

[Source: Order of the MSTI no. 1106 dated 4 December 2015, Monitorul Oficial no.332-339 (5374-5381) dated 11 December 2015]

Should you need additional information on this matter or any other issues of interest to you, please contact us.

Yours faithfully, 
PwC Moldova

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova

PwC helps organisations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 208,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. This network structure provides PwC member firms with the flexibility to operate simultaneously as local businesses, but also on a global scale, creating a platform through which member firms share knowledge, skills and resources and delivery services of consistently high quality to international and local clients. PwC started operations in Moldova in 1996. It has continuously expanded the scope of its services and currently offers a full range of professional services to both international and Moldovan enterprises. Overseen by 16 partners and employing over 600 specialists and support staff, PwC operates in Romania and Moldova from a network of four offices in Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta and Chisinau.

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